If you’ve been reading for a while, you might recall that last summer I led a group of 22 family members (all first timers!) through the Whole30 while I was in Taos.
It was an incredible experience and the changes everyone saw and felt were amazing…life changing, actually! Everyone in the group has maintained some of the healthy habits/changes, and a few have even completely turned around their health, using the Whole30 over the past year. It’s brought our family closer, and healthier as a whole.
I did a full Whole30 in May, and it was very beneficial for me.
In addition to the Whole30 rules, I cut out caffeine completely. I felt really good (after the first week!) and was finally resting better because caffeine was no longer disrupting my sleep. To say the least, spring was a eventful (and stressful!) time, and it was honestly the best thing I could have done for myself.
As summer drew closer, I’d planned on doing the Whole30 again, in July, during our stay in Taos. Over half of last year’s Taos group had expressed interest as well. But, as I was thinking about it and planning for it, I found myself dreading it! (Not dreading leading the group, but doing another Whole30.) It’s hard for me to even admit that, because I’m such a strong believer in the program. I gave myself some time to think about why I was dreading it, and the only reason I could come up with is that I didn’t feel I needed it at this time. All of the previous times, I’d gotten a little too far off track nutrition wise, or my energy levels felt low, and I knew I needed a reset. But this time, I was feeling awesome, and dare I say it, fully in control over my past issues with food…(click on the link to read my I Am Whole30 story)
So, what’s a girl to do in this case?
Although I fully believe in this transformative program, and it has been such a game changer for me, I decided not to commit to the 30 days myself. Instead, I’m coaching and supporting my family members who wanted to do it. You may have noticed that I’m still posting photos of Whole30 meals on social media, but don’t be alarmed if you see something on my instagram that’s not Whole30 compliant…I’m happily off-roading! And, truthfully, it has become a lifestyle with a happy, healthy balance. There are certain foods I add back into my diet when I’m not doing a Whole30, and some things I just don’t miss enough to add them back into my life. The way I eat most of the time follows the W30 guidelines, with the occasional choice to indulge in something less healthy.
The authors of the book have discussed at length, in a 3 part blog series, your life after Whole30 and what happens when you come to a point of finding what works for you.
For some people, this takes one Whole30, and for others it can take longer. I’ve reached a point of being comfortable making healthy choices majority of the time and enjoying without guilt when I indulge in less healthy foods. I just try to be sure the less healthy choices are not as frequent and are totally worth it to me.
Going forward, I’ll continue to use the Whole30 as a reset, as needed. That’s the beauty of this program, you can always return to it if you need to, it helps you find a healthy relationship with food, and along the way you discover what works for your body.
The Taos Whole30 started July 9th and they are doing even better the second time around….
Many have remarked that it’s different from last time, feeling much more confident this time. They’ve been motivated to try new recipes and experiment in the kitchen.
We’ve been meeting at least once a week to chat about Whole30 topics and support one another. Everyone has the newest book (see photo below), and it’s been an amazing resource! We use it as a quick reference for all things Whole30, and have been taking full advantage of the variety of recipes and cooking how-to’s that are included. To say that I’m incredibly proud of my family for doing this is an understatement! It’s wonderful to see them feeling great and passing that along to those around them. Many have even inspired co-workers, family, and friends to try it too!
Are you thinking about doing the Whole30?
I would encourage you to get both books, and understand what it is all about before starting. With a little preparation and determination, you’ll be on your way to a healthier you! Comment below if you have any questions, or want to share your experience with the Whole30… Thanks for stopping by!