Today is Day 29 of my Whole 30. I have to say that for being so skeptical to try it, I am SO glad I did. I had some tough days, but overall I feel awesome! I have noticed some great changes, but the most interesting has been a shift in thinking.
Whole 30 has changed how I think about food in three important ways:
1. I am becoming more aware of my relationship with food. Specifically, when I am just giving into a craving, and am not really hungry. It has helped that the food I am eating is so satisfying that I haven’t felt the “need” to snack, as much as the “want.” As far as W30 goes, snacking is not forbidden, but you should not do it mindlessly or because of emotional reasons. I have had snacks between meals on some of the days, but have really considered if I am hungry before doing it.
2. I have started to focus on how I feel (concerning my body and what I am eating), rather than look to numbers to define my success. I have always been a calorie counter and weigh-in kind of person. But, I am realizing that too much emphasis on calories and weight can be controlling, and they are really not good indicators. I am happy to report that I am focusing on these less and less. It has been very freeing! You really can’t (and shouldn’t) count calories while on W30. I tried at the beginning, and then gave up and began to trust my body to tell me what it needs. For some people it may be necessary to track calorie intake for weight loss, but for me, it is something I knew I could loosen up on.
3. That all being said, I have been keeping a Food Log for the sole reason of being able to look back on what I did for reference. I am not doing it to count calories I have consumed in a day. I have a general idea of the range of calories I am taking in, but am not tracking every last calorie. I want to be able to do this again for myself when I feel I need a reboot, and also to be able to help others who want to try it. There is a little prep work/research that I think you have to do to have a successful W30, and if I can help someone out by giving them ideas, then great!