It’s hard to believe that January 1st is right around the corner…a little over 3 weeks away, for those of you who are counting! Many of us will make resolutions to eat healthier and/or be more active in the new year, but why not start now? And, if you’ve made some strides this year, you certainly will want to maintain the results you worked so hard for!
It is all too easy to fast forward through December and not take the time to really take care of yourself. If you’re thinking you want to set some health and fitness goals for 2016, it’s the perfect time to take a few baby steps toward those goals. Today, I’m talking about 4 ways to get a jump-start during the weeks ahead! Start the year feeling confident and ready to make changes for the better, or continue what you’ve already started!
And, as I always say, never underestimate the power of fab workout clothes to motivate you to hit the gym! Sharing a favorite new active look today…
(1) Be ok with starting where you are…don’t feel overwhelmed!
I think the biggest mistake people make is initially overdoing it and then easily burning out or getting injured. It’s difficult not to want to see changes quickly, but patience with yourself is key! Progress doesn’t happen overnight. I know, I know it’s not what anyone (myself included) wants to hear! But, the truth is, when we notice someone who is super healthy and fit and want to be there like, yesterday, chances are it took them months, even years to get to where they are. Be honest with yourself about where you are now and set short term goals to get to where you want to be!
(2) Break a sweat…be active!
Yes, the next few weeks are likely to be hectic and busy. But, there are ways to get some activity in, wherever you are! Anyone can find the time to go for a 20-30 minute walk. It’s even better when you invite a friend or family member to join you, and make it a catch up session! Head to the gym or studio for a class, or workout on your own at home (check out my workout section for ideas). If you don’t have time for a full workout, a short version is better than nothing!
Exercise is a great stress reliever, and we all could use a little (or a lot) of that this time of year! Even on days I’m not in the mood to work out, I feel so much better when I do. I’m more patient, focused, and have more energy! Plus, if you stay active over the holidays, you’ll start January feeling much more capable and ready to go after your fitness goals in 2016.
(3) Treat yourself to what you love, and pass on what you don’t…
Ask yourself, “Which foods are treats that I only get to enjoy this time of year/are special/evoke happy holiday memories?” Then, have it, savor it, and move on! Pass on the things you don’t love, and are not worth it to you. Personally, I look forward to northern New Mexican cuisine; posole, enchiladas smothered in green chile, and a biscochito or two (traditional NM Christmas cookies) with my coffee. Yum!
Don’t let a day or two of treats run into a week (or weeks!) of over-indulgence. Supplement the treats with plenty of meals packed with vegetables, protein, healthy fats, and some fruit in between, and you’ll be good to go. After many years of food guilt, this is my plan and it works! Life is too short to stress about food! Let it go…
(4) Join me in January for the Whole30!
It’s the best way to start the new year on a healthy note, in my opinion. Browse their website and/or order the book now so you’ll have time to read up and prepare for it. You won’t regret it! I’ll be starting January 11th…
It really is an amazing gift you can give yourself. It’s been almost three years since my first Whole30, and it’s helped me get on a healthier track overall, while completely changing my relationship with food! I’m happy to share my experience with you if you have any questions…and, be sure to read my Whole30 story. I’m really looking forward to it in January, and I would LOVE to have you join me! Check it out to see if its the right choice for you…
Outfit Details: Athleta Stunner Tank | Alo Moto Panel Pants | Nike Free Flyknit 4.o Sneakers | Vapour Organic Beauty Lipstick in Tryst (20%0ff with code Jingle20!) | KenzLove Beaded Bracelets
Check back tomorrow to see how I layer this active look for winter weather! Thanks for stopping by!
Okay, I think you’ve sold me on trying Whole 30 in January!! I’m going to need your help sticking to it lol!!
Yay, Stephanie! I’m so excited to hear that…I’m happy to help you with anything you need to get going and stay the course. You might hate me just a little bit during the first week, but after that it will be great, promise! Let’s chat about it next time I see you! xo
I have the Whole 30 book and I tried following it for a week – it was amazing experience and I would love to do it again and definitely longer this time x
Jana // Life of Jana
Thank you for your comment! Definitely give it a shot, Jana! January is a perfect time to try it 🙂