Well friends, the holiday season is here! It’s one of my favorite times of the year, for family time, fun, and traditions. Let’s be honest…it’s also the time most people (myself included!) are prone to feeling tired and stressed. Busy schedules and long to-do lists can get anyone in a funk. But, the good news is, taking time each day to care for yourself can help! Through trial and error over the years, I’ve discovered a few strategies that keep me feeling healthy and fit through the holidays and I want to share them with y’all today!
Schedule your workouts before the week begins.
I like to take a look at my calendar over the weekend and pencil in my workouts for the upcoming week. Typically I aim to exercise 4-6 workouts/week, but if my schedule won’t allow for it I’m okay with that this time of year. Something is better than nothing, and getting in some form of activity makes a huge difference in how I feel…
Even taking just 20-30 minutes for a brisk walk between errands is a great energy booster! Invite a friend and make it a catch up session or be alone and catch up on your own thoughts. I know it seems kind of tedious to have to schedule it, but if you leave it to chance it’s less likely to happen. If it’s on my calendar, I’m doing it!
Motivate yourself with new gear!
Works for me every time 🙂 It could be an outfit you’ve been eyeing or even a just a new headband or gloves for cold morning runs…new gear can give you the boost you need to keep going!
On a recent visit to lululemon Galleria Dallas, I fell in love with this running jacket! The reflective details, flattering seams, stretch panels, and zip off hood were features that sold me on it. It also has built in cuffins (cuffs that fold over into mittens)! It’s a chic piece for chilly walks or runs over a base layer, or to wear over active/athleisure outfits to stay warm pre/post workout.
Inspire Tights are a staple for me. They’re a running tight, but I also like them for weights/cardio gym workouts. The Power Y Tank is another staple piece that can endure any workout, but I especially like them for yoga, pilates, barre, and gym workouts. Everyone needs a Vinyasa Scarf!! Mine is at least 6 years old and has stood up to plenty of use. Click here for a tutorial showing several ways to wear it.
Enjoy the holiday foods you truly love, but make healthy choices the majority of the time.
This has been a game changer for me, personally. My relationship with food changed once I learned to really listen to my body and be honest with myself around food. (Thanks to what I’ve learned from my Whole30 resets over the past few years!) Savor the foods you truly love when you choose to indulge and pass on the things you don’t.
Don’t allow the indulgence of holiday parties/dinners to bleed into every other day of the week! This used to be a struggle for me, as I lean towards black or white thinking. I would either overindulge and feel guilty, or deny myself and feel like I was missing out. Now, I compromise by making the healthiest choices possible on a daily basis/when I’m not at a celebratory event. This keeps me feeling my best and I’m able to actually enjoy those special holiday foods guilt-free, when its worth it to me. That is the key. I get to choose!
Its been very freeing to have this mindset towards food and I enjoy the holidays more because of it. If I overdo it, I make better choices at the next meal and I know exactly what to do to get back on track! One holiday meal or treat is not going to derail your efforts…its what you do most consistently that makes the biggest impact on your body and health.
Treat yourself to extra rest during this time.
While its important to care for your body by exercising during a busy season, it’s even more important to but take time for rest! Getting enough quality sleep makes a difference in how we function and focus everyday. (See here for something to help with that.) If you’re feeling tired, take a nice long shower or bath, turn off your phone, read a couple chapters of that book you’ve been meaning to pick up, and go to bed early. Sounds simple but it works…everything will still be there in the morning and you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle it!
For our family, rest includes being intentional about taking a break from devices and social media regularly. Not always easy to do, but so essential! Unplug for a while and be where you are with who you’re with!
I hope these tips are helpful to you! Do you have any tips or strategies that keep you on the right track during busy times? Please feel free to share them in the comments!
Outfit Details
lululemon First Mile Jacket c/o | Power Y Tank | Inspire Running Tights | Vinyasa Scarf (wear it multiple ways, check out this video to learn how!) | Nike Free RN Sneakers
Thanks for stopping by! xo
Photography: Beckley & Co.