Try these five movements in your next workout!
Do two sets of 8-12 reps per group. This should take you about 20 minutes to complete, great for busy days! If you have time, follow up with 20 minutes on the cardio machine of your choice… #FitForFall
Round One: Superset this kettle bell one leg hip extension and dumbbell one arm chest press. These movements not only challenge the glutes and chest, but also strengthen core and trunk muscles that flex, extend, and rotate the spine.
Round Two: Superset the dumbbell one leg squat, cable triceps extension, and cable rear delt row. The one leg squat is a great way to target the glutes and legs, while stabilizing the trunk and pelvis. The triceps and rear delt row will help in strengthening the upper back, rear deltoids, and arms.
What I Wore:
All pieces from lululemon athletica Knox Street
Round One:
- Front Racer Tank (worn backwards): Wear this two ways.
- Seek the Heat Crops: Perfectly placed mesh.
Round Two:
- Seek the Heat Tank: Two pieces in one…strappy bra + flowy tank. They are not connected, can be worn separately.
- Seek the Heat Crops: (same as above)
- Nike Free Flyknit 4.0, worn in all photos
Programming and Location: The Move Project