Whether you’re a newcomer to working out or a veteran, its wise to evaluate where you are and where you want to go! This keeps you from doing the same thing over again without results or getting bored with your workouts. It’s a way to make sure you’re not wasting time and are on the right track! Also, every person’s body is unique, so having something personalized for you can make a huge difference in your results.
Checking in with The Move Project regularly has made it possible for me to continue to reach my fitness goals, prevent injury, and feel strong. It’s all about training smarter, not harder! I consulted with Ryan on this post, to help explain the process and what you can expect to obtain from a professional assessment. And, next week, we’ll be featuring more details on the type of training programs offered at TMP. (The Move Project is giving away an Assessment Training Package to one lucky L&L reader! Be sure to enter our giveaway at the end of the post for a chance to win!)
Most trends in fitness and exercise programming, tend not to work for most people or over a lifetime. The Move Project’s approach is to strategically implement movements and programs that are sustainable, and allow you to meet your goals safely and effectively. The personal trainers at The Move Project utilize resistance-training methods that are supported by science, based on proper movement mechanics. One of the foundations of their process, is the integration of Muscle Activation Techniques (MAT) as part of the assessment and exercise prescription. Every exercise in your program will provide a specific challenge and benefit, that is critical to get you moving, feeling, and performing better.
Overview of the Assessment at The Move Project:
Posture Check:
- The goal is to get a general picture at that moment in time of how gravity can be affecting the body while standing.
- Assess any asymmetries in feet, knees, pelvis, spine, scapula, & neck
Joint-by-Joint Range of Motion Analysis:
- This portion of the assessment is used to identify limitations and asymmetries in the hip, pelvis, trunk/spine, scapular, and shoulder joints.
- The goal of this being to help identify specific muscular weaknesses that could be leading to the loss of overall mobility/flexibility, joint instability, and strength.
Movement Assessment:
- Movements in the trunk & spine, lower body, and upper body will assessed to help determine the safest and most effective way for you to move in your workouts.
- No matter what your goals are, it’s critical to get have idea of how your body handles certain joint forces that are involved in every movement / exercise.
If you have questions about this post, please feel free to contact us with a comment or through email. We’re happy to help you find the answers you need! Thanks for stopping by!
Photography: Stephanie Drenka
Enter for a chance to win an Assessment/Training Package (2 sessions) at The Move Project!